Our workshops and activities


Here you can find the themes and explanations of our different workshops and register if you would like to have one in your class!

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The aim of this game is to raise students' awareness of biodiversity, the dynamics of ecosystems and the threats to nature in a fun and interactive way. They will learn how the different elements of an ecosystem are connected and how disruptions to this balance can have consequences.

This workshop can be combined with building insect hotels or making seeds bombs.

A workshop for 6-10 years old childrens. Available in french, dutch and english.

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Trees and forest

The concept of the game is that children walk through the forest (the game board) and they will learn a lot of secrets about the forest, the trees and its inhabitants (e.g. that animals, insects and trees are interdependent etc.). They will have to answer questions and will receive “seeds” as tokens which will help them win. The team with the most seeds wins.

This workshop can be combined with planting a “tiny forest” near your school.

A workshop suitable for all primary grades. Available in french, dutch and english.



With this game, put yourself in the shoes of the Black Swifts and discover all that goes through, all the trials and obstacles that they must overcome each year in the spring, before they can settle in Belgium to breed.
You start from South Africa and travel across Africa to Europe. The winner (or the winning team) will be the one who arrives first to the nest, in Belgium.

This workshop can be combined with installing a nest box in your school and observing swifts in the wild.

A workshop for 10-11 years old and beginning of secondary school. Available in french, dutch and english.


Sustainable development

Players must work together to achieve SDGs 13 (Climate Action) and 15 (Life on Land) by making informed decisions to protect the planet. They will have to answer questions and will receive “coins” as tokens that will help them win. The team with the most coins wins.

A workshop for 11 years old and beginning of secondary school. Available in french, dutch and english.


Illegal wildlife trade

A presentation on the importance of animal protection and the impact of illegal hunting and wildlife trafficking.

A workshop for secondary grades. Available in french and dutch.

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Plastic pollution

Discover the impacts of plastic pollution on ecosystems, the animals that live there, and human populations through an escape game with the whole class!
Show your imagination and solve all the challenges to free the planet from this scourge!

Created in collaboration with WWF

A workshop for 10-11 years old childrens. Available in french and dutch.



Find out where and how chimpanzees live, but also how they are threatened and what we can do to protect them. Included with a presentation about Jane Goodall and her work.

A workshop for 6-10 years old childrens. Available in french, dutch and english.

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Climate fresk

The climate fresk enables everyone to understand the scale and complexity of the challenges posed by climate change. During this collective intelligence workshop, participants reconstruct the cause-and-effect links of climate change, and then explore the actions they can take in their lives.

A workshop for 10-18 years old childrens. Available in french and dutch.

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Waste & recycling

The aim of the game is to teach children the importance of recycling and sorting waste, as well as its impact on the planet and how to reduce pollution.

This workshop can be combined with organizing a cleanup near your school.

A workshop for 7-10 years old childrens. Available in french, dutch and english.

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The aim of the game is to educate players about the importance of reducing food waste while having fun. The aim is also to teach players the principles of a balanced and varied diet.

A workshop for 7-10 years old childrens. Available in french, dutch and english.