Roots & Shoots

You have the power to build a better world

Empowering youth to proudly stand for what they believe in through our Roots & Shoots programme.


Get started on your own Roots & Shoots project. We're here to help you.


It doesn't have to be hard. With 1 click you can make a world of difference!


We would love to come and give a free workshop at your school or youth group.

What is Roots & Shoots?

Roots & Shoots is a worldwide movement empowering young people to live sustainable lifestyles and influence those around them to do the same. It fosters respect and compassion for all living things, promotes understanding of all cultures and beliefs and inspires each individual to take action to make the world a better place for people, other animals, and the environment.

What difference do you want to make? Explore to unlock your passion and find ways to get involved.

What makes Roots & Shoots unique?

♥ It aims at developing compassionate leaders by inspiring young people to take action.

♥ It creates an international network of young people to exchange ideas and best practices.

♥ It encourages understanding of different cultures, communities and backgrounds through its global network.

♥ It is for all: everybody can start a Roots & Shoots project.

Our model

Roots & Shoots four steps to action encourage young people to do a project for people, a project for animals, and a project for the environment and increases understanding of the interconnectivity of all three.

The four steps are:

  • 1: Get engaged
  • 2: Observe
  • 3: Take action
  • 4: Celebrate

Roots & Shoots news

  1. Our 2024 summary

    Our 2024 summary

    We are really grateful and proud of what we achieved this year : 

    • More than 50,635 trees planted all over Belgium thanks to the support of Luminus, Department Environment Flanders and private donations. Since 2005, we have planted or helped to plant more than 170,000 trees in Belgium in 38 Forest in One Day tree planting events.
    • Our commitment to education and youth empowerment led us to conduct 219 workshops with 3,805 children across Belgium. We created 5 new board games on diverse environmental thematics to children of primary and secondary schools.
    • We received more than 1000€ of donations for helping the chimps and supporting our work in Chimp Eden sanctuary and Dindefelo Reserve in Africa. To our actual Chimp Guardians who have supported the centra on a recurrent basis, we express our deepest gratitude for being part of this mission year after year.
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  2. Go Wild !

    Go Wild !

    Are you between 9 and 14 years old and ready to get wild with us? Then enter the Sauvage Contest!

    And win a Wild Day at the Institute of Natural Sciences, with a member of your family, on Saturday February 22, 2025. You'll be able to watch a fascinating film. You'll discover our new exhibition Sauvage? and of course the Dinosaur Gallery and all the other rooms. A riddle trail and a delicious lunch complete the experience. But that's not all... a surprising challenge awaits you!

    Participation form

    If you'd like to find out more about biodiversity and what you can do to protect it, take a look at

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  3. Tree planting in Gooik

    Tree planting in Gooik

    On Saturday the 17th of February 2024, around 100 people came to plant 2.000 trees in Gooik with us. Several youth groups accompanied our volunteers to plant a new forest such as Gooik Chiro and TADAs childrens (ToekomstAtelierDel’Avenir). We were lucky, the sun warmed us up nicely, and the conditions were perfect for planting.

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  4. Tree planting in Bonheiden

    Tree planting in Bonheiden

    On Sunday the 4th of February 2024, 150 people came to plant 2610 trees in Bonheiden with us. Local residents and youth groups accompanied our volunteers to plant a new forest. The weather was on our side, which made planting easier and it turned out to be a beautiful day spent in nature.

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  5. First Forest Cleanup was a big success!

    First Forest Cleanup was a big success!

    On September 7, we organized our first successful Forest Cleanup session with the Roots & Shoots team in three Brussels parks: Terkameren forest, Josaphat park and Osseghem park.

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R&S workshops

Jane Goodall Institute Belgium organises free workshops and activities for young people of all ages. The themes are centred around animals, people and the environment. We aim to link the three themes in a project.

The workshops and activities are always adapted to different ages and the educational programme of your class or youth organisation.

Workshops and activities may include:

♥ educational games

♥ DIY sessions

♥ creative sessions outside to reconnect with nature

♥ projects to make your class and/or school greener

♥ information sessions focusing on animals, people and the environment 

♥ examples of environmentally conscious behaviour (eco-citizenship)

To organise a workshop or an activity in your class, group or youth organisation, fill in this form and to contact


Upcoming Roots & Shoots events

There are no meetings published at the moment. Please check back later!

Chimp Zinda fishing for termites in Gombe (by Nick Riley) Your donation will be used to restore nature in Belgium and Africa, and to provide help and protection to chimpanzees. We believe it is important to be transparent about the impact of your donation. You can read a full overview of how your donation is used in our annual report.

How we use your donation?




Projects Roots & Shoots Administration