You have the power to build a better world
Empowering youth to proudly stand for what they believe in through our Roots & Shoots programme.
Empowering youth to proudly stand for what they believe in through our Roots & Shoots programme.
Spread Your Wings as a Changemaker to Protect Magical Monarchs.
Did you know that a once thriving population of many millions of monarch butterflies has recently been reduced to a fraction of its original numbers? The primary cause of this tragedy? Habitat loss.
Go Plant-Based for People, Other Animals, & The Planet We Share.
Did you know that by going plant-based you could improve your health, protect the planet from climate change, and save the lives and suffering of millions of animals?
Food Waste is Big Problem - You Can Help Create Solutions!
Did you know that about 1/3 of the food produced never even makes it into our mouths?!
Pollinators Have an Important Purpose - Help Protect Them!
Did you know that 1/3 of the world’s food exists thanks to bees?
Palm Oil is in Almost Everything - But What's the True Cost?
Did you know growing it unsustainably contributes to deforestation and biodiversity loss in equatorial rainforests?
Unsustainable Tech Consumption is Hurting People, Habitats & Wildlife.
Did you know international technology industry is devastating human and wildlife communities, while destroying vital habitats, particularly in the Congo Basin in Africa?
Equip Yourself With the Tools to Take Action for Animals in Need.
Did you know that approximately 7.6 million pets enter animal shelters nationwide every year? Of those, approximately 3.9 million are dogs and 3.4 million are cats.
Press Pause on Plastic Pollution.
Do you ever wonder what happens to plastic items once we have used them and throw them away? Unfortunately, when it comes to plastic, it never really disappears.